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Showing posts from September, 2019

How to Reverse The Drop in Testosterone that Can Cause the Passage of Time

If you are 45 years old or older, it is very likely that the passage of time has begun to affect the levels of your hormones in the blood and to avoid the negative effects that can cause the fall of testosterone in your body, below we show you how you can reverse its descent naturally.

Why increase testosterone naturally

From the age of 30, testosterone levels are gradually reduced in man, therefore, many might think that it is a natural process that we should not reverse, however, its fall can be associated with different diseases, as well as the loss of muscle and bone mass.

It is known that 42% of men over 45 have a testosterone deficit and 65% of those over 60 also have low levels of this hormone that helps us keep fat levels at bay, perform more and better when we train and have muscle strength that many lose as the years go by, together with testosterone.

Not only that, but low testosterone levels have been associated with a higher risk of suffering from diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity and other metabolic pathologies, therefore, maintaining or naturally increasing testosterone levels in the body can help us to prevent the negative effects of aging.

To take care of our health and be fit despite the passage of time, we can increase or maintain blood testosterone levels naturally with different actions and / or habits.

How to increase testosterone levels in your body

It is known that certain modifiable factors can influence testosterone levels in the body, as is the case with diet and physical exercise, so, here are some keys to increase this hormone in your body:

Take care of fat intake, as a low-fat diet has been linked to decreases of testosterone in the body. Therefore, we must ingest daily essential fatty acids that we find in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, almonds, and fatty fish.

Ingest enough carbohydrates, as one study found that high-carbohydrate diets increase testosterone levels regardless of calories and fats. So, we should not stop eating a minimum amount of whole grains, whole grains, and derivatives, fruits, legumes and / or vegetables every day.

Train intensely, not only by lifting weights but also by performing other types of activities, since high-demand training for the body increases blood testosterone levels.

Consume alcohol in moderation, since elevated levels of alcohol can reduce blood testosterone and affect its production, so it is better not to drink every day and when drinking, no more than two glasses a day.

Avoid restrictive and very low-calorie diets, which stress the body and reduce testosterone levels, therefore, to take care of this hormone, better stay away from miracle diets.

Sleep well and enough each night, because it has been proven that sleep deprivation reduces testosterone levels significantly in the body. It is recommended between 7 and 9 hours each night.

Ensure the intake of zinc in sufficient quantities, since the deficit of this mineral has been linked to lower levels of testosterone. We can find zinc in legumes, seeds, and whole grains.

In addition to all these actions that help to naturally increase testosterone levels in the body, let's not forget that certain foods can help to have good levels of this hormone in the blood.

Thus, while continuing to train hard, to feed ourselves healthily, to drink little or nothing alcohol and to get enough sleep, we can ensure that the passage of time does not leave us without testosterone, and in this way, take care of our health and body without feeling the negative effects of aging.


Not everyone uses the bicycle with the sole purpose of training to compete or participate in cycling trials and marches. There are those who are excessively flirtatious and leave with the sole purpose of staying fit and maintaining weight. And we do not have to forget that fortunately every day we have more bicycle enthusiasts and tend to be more presumptuous than us. Or simply, you just arrived from the holidays and you have no challenge in sight except to take off the kilos that you have brought attached to the body. And as you have been seeing your evolution daily in front of the mirror, you are not aware of the before and after. But calm that sooner or later someone will make sure that you are aware.

As it would be the case to meet a friend for coffee and the first thing he will do when he sees you, it will not be shaking hands (after weeks without seeing you) but will direct his hand towards your stomach or side flanks at the same time that he will open the mouth to tell you: How have you got! And if you stay with no one dressed as a countryman, wait to put on “the suit of lights” to go out on Sunday with the club.

Well, for all those whose only goal is weight loss, we have prepared a crash plan to burn calories mostly from fat and recover their figure as soon as possible. As you know, the plans are generic and the vicissitudes or personal circumstances of each one can make the plan not exactly adapt to them. But in this case, since we do not have an objective for sports performance and we are not subject to comply with certain principles related to training loads or laws, you can adapt it more easily to your circumstances and make variations or change days. For now, we will explain why certain exercises or workouts are more interesting for weight loss.


With a varied table of weights and dumbbells plus abdominal and lumbar, it will be enough to go muscle toning. The goal of the gym, in this case, is to increase your basal metabolism. Basal metabolism refers to the lower number of calories your body needs for maintenance, something that depends mainly on age, sex, and weight. Adding weights in the training routine speeds up the metabolism and you will consume more calories once the exercise is over. 


At the level of sports performance is used to accustom the muscle to the use of fats as fuel. In our case, it is used to accelerate weight loss. When you wake up in the morning, the glycogen stores at the liver level (the way glucose is stored) have been depleted since they have been used to maintain vital functions during sleep. If you do not eat breakfast and go out to roll, the body will end up using fatty acids to get glucose. Of course, you must go at low intensity. 

If you know the aerobic threshold because you have a stress test, you should not exceed it. In the first hour of exercise, 45% of fats are used since the first thirty minutes of exercise are anaerobic until the cardiovascular system allows a greater contribution of blood supply to the legs. In the second hour, 65% of the calories come from fats since it is supposed to end up depleting the liver reserves. It will be in the third hour when 95% of the calories come from fats. When glucose stores are depleted, not only fatty acids are used to extract glucose: Muscle mass is also used and this causes muscle catabolism that must be regenerated in the first two hours after the end of the exercise. 

A supplement in liquid form and rich in high-quality protein, such as whey protein is an excellent solution. If you don't have a supplement, a more homemade way would be to drink a fruit smoothie and add a couple of egg whites. It will be in the third hour when 95% of the calories come from fats. When glucose stores are depleted, not only fatty acids are used to extract glucose: Muscle mass is also used and this causes muscle catabolism that must be regenerated in the first two hours after the end of the exercise. A supplement in liquid form and rich in high-quality protein, such as whey protein is an excellent solution. If you don't have a supplement, a more homemade way would be to drink a fruit smoothie and add a couple of egg whites. It will be in the third hour when 95% of the calories come from fats. 

When glucose stores are depleted, not only fatty acids are used to extract glucose: Muscle mass is also used and this causes muscle catabolism that must be regenerated in the first two hours after the end of the exercise. A supplement in liquid form and rich in high-quality protein, such as whey protein is an excellent solution. If you don't have a supplement, a more homemade way would be to drink a fruit smoothie and add a couple of egg whites.


Due to its effectiveness, it is widely used in training plans to accelerate weight loss. Although if you are not very fit, you may not complete all the intervals below. In this case, you can divide the intervals into two series or blocks and make, for example, 5 + 5. It would be 5 repetitions at 90%, recover two minutes between the repetitions and 5 minutes between the two sets. In addition, with these intervals, results are quickly obtained in the face of physical improvement with an increase in aerobic capacity. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them during the base in a training plan aimed at achieving maximum form. You gain shape quickly but you also lose quickly. Do not forget that we are talking about losing weight.


It would be a way to continue with intervals close to maximum intensity. Since HITs can be included two or three times a week, we take advantage of Sunday to do a more varied and entertaining training. The intensive fartlek consists of taking advantage of the steep lands to raise them from less to more progressively and accelerate to the maximum intensity at the time of completion. Recover from the effort in the descent. This exercise, just like the previous one, will speed up our metabolism and will make you burn an extra amount of calories once you are at home sitting on the couch.

But if this weight loss-oriented training plan is not accompanied by minimal nutritional guidelines, the loss may not be the desired one. Another very common circumstance is that at first, you check that you weigh the same but nevertheless you have to add another hole to the belt. You will have lost fat weight, which is what it is about, and by toning with weights and exercise, the muscle weighs more and also retains water to store glycogen stores. Quiet that with the passing of days you will lose.


It's not about closing your mouth and stop eating. When you have lost weight and return to your usual nutritional habits, you will take the lost weight and a little more because of super-compensation. The body will feel attacked for having had poor nutrition and when you add more calories will tend to store more triglycerides in anticipation of future "attacks."

Eat more times

You have to eat a minimum of five times a day. This will keep blood glucose levels stable and you will not have anxiety attacks that can lead you to eat without control. You also burn more calories because you do digestion more times. What is called the specific dynamic action?

An ideal solution is to provide snacks if you are going to spend several hours without eating between the main meals. Mainly with low glycemic carbohydrates to control the insulin peak and if it also has better protein because you avoid muscle destruction.

These types of carbohydrates are transformed into glucose more slowly so they do not cause high insulin spikes. They are consumed more progressively and thus the organism is not obliged to metabolize them in fat, such as high glycemic carbohydrates. Carbohydrates of the low glycemic index can be found mainly in all integral products, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

High-fiber foods

They cause greater satiety when consumed and also do not contain many calories. They also help a better intestinal transit since carbohydrates are assimilated more slowly.