To remove the belly and hips (exercises are more effective will
be useful) is necessary when there were surpluses in these areas. For training,
it is a difficult part of the body.
Here, two types of fat can form fat under the skin, which
wraps around the abdominal cavity - visceral. The complex was, therefore, necessary
to choose in such a way that had a profound and difficult impact on the press
bodies that are more difficult to train.
To achieve a greater effect, in addition to performing a
physical activity, must respect the rules, including the art of performance: in
the classroom it is important to perform the exercises perfectly, not persist
in the number of repetitions; of the body, the formation should be constantly
in tension; the application of physical abilities at the time of the execution
of the exercises, otherwise, the half-hearted operation, will not bring the
desired results; the main indicator of proper training is the appearance of a
burning sensation in the field of printing; but it is important to do it
without interruptions, gradually increasing the number of executions, only then
will you be able to remove the belly and hips, to start with the simplest but
not the least effective exercises;
To remove the belly and hips, exercises (more effective)
must be combined with proper nutrition.
During the day it should be consumed: 1/3 of the amount of
animal protein produced (all meat-based diet) and of vegetable origin, 2/3 of
the amount of carbohydrates in the form of cereals, cereals, wheat bread,
vegetables, a little vegetable fat to drink 2 liters of clean raw water during
the day, the number of meals should not be less than 5.
Before starting the training process, be sure to prepare
your muscles. This helps to achieve the best results without damaging muscle
and joint tissue. The process warm-up should not take more than 7 minutes.
To get rid of excess in this area, coaches are encouraged to
focus on exercises designed to work out all the muscles. You need to apply the
upper, lower and lateral parts of the print.
Best of all, because his performance is the deepest training
of the abdominal muscles.
Technique. Requested to assume the position of the body as
in the bench from the floor. To fix the body, for the first time in 20-30
seconds. While holding the posture, the abdomen is necessary to withdraw the
buttock muscles should not be and the back part rounded. The direct look at the
Running a bar, consider the following:
do not lift your shoulders;
hands to put strictly under the shoulders, not wider and not
to observe the 90-degree angle;
the whole body to keep very straight as the line.
Motorcycles. Starting to perform, it is necessary to take an
appropriate position - lie down, the back must adapt perfectly to the floor,
hands to clean behind the head, the legs bent at the knees form an angle that
is equal to 45 degrees.
Technique. At a distance of 50 cm from the floor to raise
the legs, pre-bend the knees, and start turning imaginary pedal. To run fast,
scrolling is not less than 15 times for 1 approach. Just do it in 3 or 4
Please notice! Performing more effective exercises to remove
the belly and hips, burning subcutaneous fat, which has a positive influence on
the heart system, digestive system, muscles, the process of formation of all
muscle groups.
To remove the belly and hips (exercises are most effective
for lowering the press is shown in the table) using the arts, performing
exercises such as the knee lift, scissors, cool-Werth.
Knee lifts. Lie on the floor, your back straightened and
pressed to the ground, hands behind your head, extended legs. One of the other
legs is slow to the knees to the chest, while the lower part of the trunk comes
out with a slight distance from the floor 10-15 times, 4 approaches;
A pair of scissors. The position is the same as in feet,
located directly over a distance of 20 cm from the raise and race plane, making
twine, and then cross like scissors cutting 10-15 times, 4 approaches;
Cool - Werth. Lying on the floor with your hands
behind your head near your ears, lift your upper body, your right elbow should
touch the upper part of your left knee, which is reduced, and vice versa,
alternating legs, and arms 10-15 times, 4 sets.
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